Balance your mind, body, and soul

All therapies are fully customizable according to your needs and can be done individually or within a group. You can benefit from the therapies, regardless of gender, sex, or age.

Hong Sau Meditation

✓ Increases energy levels
✓ Reduces anxiety
✓ Improves attention
& much more...

30 minutes

How it Works

Our meditation therapy begins with breathing exercises. We usually practice two different breathing techniques and then move on to the Hong Sau meditation phase, consisting of the breathing-mantra connection.


The goal of the therapy is to connect with your breathing and any of the eight aspects of superconsciousness: love, joy, peace, calm, light, sound, power, or wisdom, taking you to a state of relaxation, and connecting with your body and mind.


As part of the session, sound is always included to deepen the meditation’s

How it works

The perfect combination to achieve harmony. Each bowl emits a soothing vibration that radiates out negative energy, and gives the body a deep relaxation through soothing, resonant sound. The body is affected on cellular level, opening up the flow of energy to move us back toward vibration alignment with health.


This therapy starts with two breathing techniques. The tuning fork is used to balance the body, and the bowls are allocated over the body according to the patient’s needs (i.e. lumbar, cervical, digestive systems, etc.).

Meditation and Sound vibrations with Tibetan Singing Bowls

✓ Breaks up any blockage in the body
✓ Relieves pain from the body
✓ Helps to harmonize emotions
✓ Creates balance in the body
✓ Provides energy

60 minutes


✓ Relaxes mind and body while our body gains balance.

40 minutes

Price: The price varies according to the number of people

How it works

We start the group harmonization with breathing techniques. Then we lie down, covering our eyes to assimilate the sounds more clearly. This therapy takes us to a state of relaxation and, at the same time, balances our nervous system.

«Meditation is offering your genuine presence to yourself in every moment»

– Thich Nhat Hanh


Sound Therapy Certification
Meditation Certification

FAQs about Neshamah therapies

Hong-Sau is a meditation technique introduced to the West by Paramhansa Yogananda, an Indian yogi and spiritual teacher. Hong-Sau “I am He” or “I am Spirit”T he Hong-Sau technique involves focusing the mind on a single point, such as the breath or a mantra («Hong-Sau») while maintaining an awareness of the present moment. This technique helps quiet the mind and reduce distractions, allowing to reach a deeper state of meditation.

Hong-Sau meditation helps quiet the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote inner peace and calm. It can also improve focus, concentration, and mental clarity as well as enhance spiritual awareness and the connection to the divine. The meditation may range from several minutes to more than an hour, depending on the individual’s preference.

The type of therapy for each patient will depend on their personal needs. The distinct Therapies of Neshamah 137 are designed to benefit different patients, such as those who want to learn to meditate, those who want to treat a specific bodily condition, or those who want to relax their bodies or minds more.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Each patient is unique, and each therapy will be adapted to their needs.

The patient can bring the groups they already have organized or participate in the groups we create in Neshamah 137.

It is important that the clothing for each session is comfortable and in light colors. This allows the therapy to be better received and the energies to be more harmonious.

The benefits are felt immediately, but I like to work in a series of three sessions to focus on the physical, emotional, and energetic levels.

Depending on the Therapy it can last between 30 minutes and 1 hour

Therapies aim to help the patient with a specific situation or problem. The more therapy sessions are taken, the greater the benefits for the body and mind. Being consistent with the sessions allows me to do deeper work, so that relaxation and body energy levels also increase, and ailments and negative emotional states significantly decrease.

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